What To Expect

Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. Sundays at Rolling Plains are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Stop by He-Brews Cafe for complimentary food and drinks. Enjoy fellowship with others and then head in for worship. Bring your coffee and snacks in with you. We don't worry about crumbs. A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing more traditional hymns at our 8:15 service and our 10AM contemporary service is led by our very own Worship Band. Song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After praise and worship, our Pastor will share an encouraging message full of Biblical truths and practical steps to take to apply the message to our everyday lives. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups at the 10AM service.
What do you offer for my kids?

The RP Nursery is staffed by trained and background checked volunteers and open to children Birth - 4 years old during the 10:00AM service
RP Kids Sunday Mornings
Kindergarten - 5th grade
Kindergarten - 5th grade
Head upstairs to the Youth Room for an appropriate lesson and time of prayer.
Head Downstairs to the High School Room for a life applicable Bible Lesson, some much needed conversation, and time of prayer